PWC of Davao partners with 3 international schools

The Philippine Women’s College of Davao has signed an MOU with International Partner School at Jose Maria College last September 29, 2018, in a venture initiated by the Rizal Memorial Colleges and the Indonesian Consulate.
Alongside PWC are four other signee schools from the Philippines, namely: Holy Cross of Davao College, Jose Maria College, Rizal Memorial Colleges, and Agusan State University.
PWC is now officially in partnership with the following Indonesian schools: Mandala Waluya Institute of Health Sciences in Kendari, Tri Mandiri Sakti Institute of Health Sciences in Bengkulu, and Universitas Halu Oleo in Kendari.
The partner schools went on a collaborative tour with RMC last September 30, 2018 at the Philippine Eagle Center, Malagos Garden Resort, and Davao City proper. The tour was an avenue for participating schools to have collaborative discussions on future plans and activities.

The partnership is set to be concretized through research collaboration, faculty exchange, students mobility program, benchmarking, and product innovation.
According to PWC Dean of College Dr. Lyndon Devero, the partnership gears PWC towards standardizing its educational curriculum and enhancing facilities by learning the best features of international schools. He also stressed how knowing the trends and needs in the international educational paradigm is vital for an enhanced instructional curriculum.
Among the first initiatives of the partnership are benchmarking focused on food technology and collaborative research on food sanitation and innovation, which are hoped to be realized during summer next year. This is a promising opportunity especially towards the advancement of PWC’s own BS Food Technology program.