Innovation is our tradition.
In 1919, the visionary couple Dean Conrado Benitez and Francisca Tirona Benitez founded in Manila the Philippine Women’s College (now the Philippine Women’s University). In time, their vision of women’s education would transcend the boundaries of Manila and reach south of the archipelago. PWC alumnae from Mindanao saw the need to spread and promote the educational objectives of their Alma Mater among the young people of Mindanao. This idea became a reality when the PWU Board of Trustees approved the plan to put up the Philippine Women’s College of Davao (PWC), which eventually opened its doors to students in 1953.
We envision a graduate who is God-loving, academically competent, civic conscious, environmentally and socially concerned, globally competitive, and committed to the promotion of peace.
To Educate
according to the four-fold objective of inculcating good moral character and personality, training for home and family life, preparing for vocation or profession and developing aptitude for community participation and leadership.
To Contribute
through research and continuous interaction with the community, to the enhancement of the spiritual, social and economic life in the country and the world at large.
To Lead
through pioneering in the field of gender education in the opening of new avenues towards the expansion of knowledge and opportunities, fostering of humanism and understanding, while conserving the wisdom and ideals of the ages and integrating the valuable inheritance of Filipino personhood.
Living the PWC Mission

Served as Davao City Vice Mayor from 2007-2010, Mayor from 2010-2013 and 2016 to 2022
Serve as Vice President of the Philippines since 2022

Award-winning Fashion Designer based in Dubai.

Entrepreneur and Restaurant Owner

A man of many jobs and interests. A true Philwomenian.
Continuing the PWC Legacy
Ms. Francisca Tirona Benitez
Dean Conrado Benitez
Hon. Helena Z. Benitez
Ms. Elizabeth San Pedro Lietz
Ms. Ruby A. Benitez
Mr. Tomas Julio A. Benitez
Mr. Emmanuel Q. Canivel
Mr. Emiliano Lo
✝ Mr. Conrado L. Benitez II
Prof. Vicente Antonio V. Pijano III
Chancellor and Chief Operations Officer
Maria Alma G. Facto, RGC, Ph.D.
Guidance Center Consultant and Academic Services
Reynald A. Japay, Ed.D.
Special Assistant to the Chancellor, and Flexible Learning Taskforce Head
Ms. Deogracia B. Corpuz, CPA, MBA
Internal Audit Officer
Mr. Emi L. Englis
Marketing Taskforce Head
Prof. Vicente Antonio V. Pijano III
Finance Board Vice Chairperson
Ms. Suzette Varona
Alumni Board Moderator
Almah Bautista
Alumni Affairs Coordinatorr
Ms. Concepcion D. Pascua
Coordinator/Adminstrator of the Office of Chancellor
Mr. Aristotle P. Carandang
REDIP Consultant
Alma B. Bersano, MBA
Institutional Budget Officer and Externally Funded Project Finance Officer
Jenny Aleonar
Business Unit Coordinator
Mr. Raymond M. Cosare
Program Chair, Bachelor of Culture and Arts in Education
Curriculum and Instructional Development Office
Maria Julieta R. Torres, CPA, MBA
Linkages and Partnerships Development Office Director
Ms. Mary Jane B. Belenson
Security and Public Safety, Project Management Officer and Chief of Staff
Ms. Alma B. Bersano
Institutional Budget, External Projects Finance and Investments Officer
Dr. Reynald A. Japay
Special Assistant to the Chancellor for Special Projects
Ms. Marie Julieta R. Torres
Linkages and Parnerships Development Officer Director
Ms. Genevieve D. Ruiz, MC
OIC, Guidance & Counselling
Nikko Gumia, MIS
Director, Information and Communication Technology
Ms. Alma Rose S. Bersano, MBA
Chief Accountant
Dr. Aristotle Carandang
OIC Dean of College
Ma. Elena O. Licco, MAEd
Principal, Basic Education Department
Ms. Deogracia B. Corpuz
Assistant Dean of College
Raymond M. Cosare, MA
Curriculum and Instructional Development Director
Girlie B. Sumapig
Assistant Principal for Administration
Ms. Florifes A. Bertulfo
Registrar and Scholarship Office Head
Dr. Mercedita R. Japay
Research for Development, Innovation and Publications Director (RDeIP)
Ms. Brenda Z. Barba
Fine Arts and Design Cluster Director
Maria Alma G. Facto, RGC, Ph.D.
Arts, Science, Education and Technology Cluster Director
Ms. Cherry Anne D. Tecala, MBA
Hospitality and Tourism Management Cluster Director
Geraldine V. Turno
Assistant Principal for Academics
Maria Julieta R. Torres, CPA, MBA
Accountancy and Business Education Cluster Director
Ms. Ozelle L. Poe
Institutional Identity and Values Formation
Ms. Genevieve D. Ruiz
Guidance and Counseling Center – OIC
Mr. Paolo Gaudencio S. Naval
Institutional Community Extension Officer
Delia F. Daligdig, MIL
Head Librarian
Jerome D. Manapol, MAEd
Sports Program Head
Ms. Mary Ann Mangubat
Admission Officer
Alma Rose B. Bersano, MBA
Finance and Investments Officer
Maria Alma G. Facto, RGC, Ph.D.
Executive Director for Academic Services
Dr. Reynald A. Japay
Director, Institutional Planning, Development & Quality Assurance & Linkages Office (IPDQAL)
Dr. Mercedita R. Japay
Director, Research for Development, Innovation and Publication
Dr. James I. Salvador
Conrado L. Benitez II Center for Professional & Career Development and TESDA Diploma Program Head
Ms. Milagros D. Saga, LPT, MAEd
Officer, Institutional Planning, Development and Quality Assurance/Program Chair Teacher Education
Mr. Emi L. Englis, MAFAD
Head, Center for Innovations and Social Ventures
Mr. Patrick Henry G. Canon, MPA
TVET Center Manager
Dr. Alfonso U. Bantilan
Flexible Learning Coordinator
Ms. Mylene P. Tuclaud, LPT
Admissions Officer
Ms. Arcylie R. Acabado
Scholarship Coordinator
Ms. Maria Elena Remedios P. Ongkiko
PWC Museum Curator
Mr. Rey Benedict D. Aquiatan
Consultant, ERP Automation Project
Cecilia Carrasco Torino-Briones
Human Resource Development Office OIC
Mary Jane B. Belenson
Security Office, Facilities and Project Management Unit Head
Concepcion D. Pascua
Purchasing, Health Center and Motor pool Head
Dr. Maritess Buxani
School Physician
Micheal John Casuga
General Services Supervisor
Tertiary Education Department
Prof. Vicente Antonio V. Pijano III
Chancellor and Chief Operations Officer
Dr. Aristotle Carandang
Dean of College
Ms. Deogracia B. Corpuz, CPA, MBA
Assistant Dean
Ms. Florifes A. Bertulfo, LPT
Ms. Anita T. Jabla, LPT, MA
Student Affairs Officer
Ms. Delia F. Daligdig, RL, LPT, MAED-LS
Tertiary Education Department Head Librarian
Ms. Ma. Liberty Filipinas Cadungog, RL
Tertiary Education Department Reference & Information Services Librarian
Ms. May Ann Joy M. Diorpan, RL
Tertiary Education Department Technical Services Librarian
Mr. Christi Franc Von R. Buenafe, RL
Tertiary Education Department Reader Services Librarian
Ms. Maricris Casandra A. Castillo
Tertiary Education Department Technical Services Assistant
Business Education, Entrepreneurship, and Accountancy
Ms. Deogracia B. Corpuz
Assistant Dean of Tertiary Education Department
Dr. Eduardo N. Margallo
TED Business and Entrepreneurship Education Program Chair
Ms. Mary Jean V. Sollesta, CPA
Accountancy Program Chair
Hospitality Management and Tourism Management (HMTM)
Ms. Cherry Anne D. Tecala
Academic Cluster Director
Fine Arts & Interior Design (FAID)
Ms. Brenda Z. Barba, MAFAD
Academic Cluster Director
Mr. Jun Artajo
Industrial & Fashion Design Program Chair
IDr Anne Mariz Laingo
Interior Design Program Chair
Arts, Sciences, Education &Technology (ASET)
Dr. Maria Alma G. Facto
Academic Cluster Director
Ms. Ma. Christina B. Ramos, MSFS
FPIC Coordinator
Ms. Abbey Angelli L. Alapag, RPsy
Psychology Program Chair
Ms. Princesita M. Villadulid, LPT, MAEd
General Education Program Chair
Mr. Nepthaly C. Talavera, MIM
Information Technology Program Chair
Ms. Milagros D. Saga, LPT, MAEd
Elementary & Secondary Education Program Chair
Mr. Jerome D. Manapol, LPT
Physical Education Program Chair
Basic Education Department Middle Level Coordinators
Principal, Basic Education Department
Ms. Geraldine V. Turno, LPT, MA
Assistant Principal for Academics
Ms. Girlie B. Sumapig, LPT, MAEd
Assistant Principal for Administration
Ms. Amelita D. Jumalon
Head, Student Formation Office Head
Ms. Marilyn G. Nebria, LPT
Co-Curricular Head
Ms. Susana Arellano, LPT
Student Activity Assistant
Ms. Mae Ann Senate, LPT
Modified Work and Study Program (MWSP)
Ms. Nelsie Portillo, LPT
Preschool to Grade 2 Coordinator
Ms. Ma. Nancel S. Lanticse, LPT
English Coordinator (Grade school & Junior High School)
Ms. Dianne P. Llanes, LPT
Filipino Coordinator (Grade school & Junior High School)
Ms. Zaidi P. Ong, LPT Social Studies/Values Education (Grade school & Junior High School)
Mr. Dhel Rajsol B. Dilangalen, LPT Science Coordinator (Grade school &Junior High School)
Mr. Peter John Toyorada, LPT MAPEH Coordinator (Grade school & Junior High School)
Ms. Ann Kathryn R. Sucaldito, LPT TLE/Computer Education Coordinator (Grade school & Junior High School)
Junior High School Librarian
Mr. Daryl D. Ligutan, LPT
Mathematics Coordinator (Grade School, Junior High School and Senior High School)
Ms. Lariza Irina O. Manug, LPT
English Coordinator (Senior High School)
Mr. Michael F. Retolla, LPT
Filipino Coordinator (Senior High School)
Mr. Edwin Dalumpines
Humanities and Social Sciences Coordinator (Senior High School)
Mr. Peter Paul T. Sigue, LPT
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Coordinator (Senior High School)
Mr. Jo Cristobal P. Villar, LPT
Physical Education and Health Coordinator (Senior High School)
ICT-Animation, CSS, CP Coordinator (Senior High School)
Ms. Ma. Julieta C. Maniego
TVL HE: (FBS, Cookery, B&P) Coordinator
Mr. Emi L. Englis, MAFAD
Arts & Design, Fashion Design, & SMAW Coordinator
Ms. Cherry Anne D. Tecala
Travel Services Coordinator
Ms. Ferla Mae C. Cartagena
Senior High School Librarian