Work + Study
With PWC and Lithan’s unique Work+Study Program, pursue your degree and acquire real work experience through paid apprenticeship. Get mentored by global industry practitioners and gain exposure to international cohort and culture!
Join us for the next orientation session scheduled on May 11, 2023, at 10:00 AM.
REGISTER for the orientation through any of these links:
Programs Offered:

BS IT Software Engineering
Learn and acquire skills in the application of processes, methods, and tools for building and maintaining computer systems. Meet fellow learners passionate for software engineering as well as experienced mentors and put theory into practice as you work for global companies.

BS IT Systems Administration
Gain theoretical knowledge and acquire technical skills in the upkeep, configuration, and maintaining efficient operation of computer systems for organizations. Meet experts in the field of systems administration as your mentors and gain workplace skills through an apprenticeship opportunity under global companies.

BS Entrepreneurship Digital Business
Build on solid theoretical knowledge and develop the vital skillset enriched with the PWC brand of entrepreneurship education. With Lithan’s special focus on digital business processes and marketing, be equipped to thrive in the highly competitive industry. Plus, you get to meet experienced international mentors and EARN as you work for global companies!

Lithan is a Singapore-based digital skills academy that works to transform education for the new digital environment and has engaged over 30,000 learners and 2,000 enterprises across Asia.
Adopting a work-based learning pedadogy, Lithan’s hallmark is connecting learners and global companies for apprenticeship opportunities.
Its Competency Learning as Service (CLaaS) platform connects higher education students and institutions, working adults, industry experts, tech vendors, enterprises, and employers for delivering total training and talent solutions aimed to mitigate digital skills gap between emerging and developed economies.
PWC has partnered with Lithan to offer undergraduate programs enriched with robust mentorship, international learning experience, and paid apprenticeship.
How it works
In your 1st year, you will undergo an intensive boot camp with industry experts as your mentors. This covers specialized Lithan subjects that will prepare you for apprenticeship, with classes scheduled at 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. You will also attend PWC general education classes on Saturdays, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Starting 2nd year until 4th year, get hired for apprenticeship by global partner companies. As a qualifier, you must pass all the requirements on the 1st year boot camp as well as the required interview of the company. Now, you can Earn And Pay for your degree!
Graduate in 4.5 years!
How to apply
- Fill out the RESERVATION FORM:
- Take the PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT and INTERVIEW. The schedule will be sent to your email after reservation.
- Once accepted, you may then proceed to official enrollment. Official enrollment link and details shall also be sent to you via email.