PWC Art Club leads workshop for Magtuod students

The Office of Community Extension Services in collaboration with the PWC elementary and junior high school Art Club conducted a workshop on mural painting for the students of Magtuod Elementary School last February 15, 2019.
Around 100 participants from Grades 3 and 4 took part in the event led by 46 Art Club members who gave an orientation on mixing colors, coloring techniques, among others. Accompanying the students were Community Extension Services coordinator Mr. Paolo Naval, LPT and Art Club moderators Beverly Balangot, LPT for elementary and Reben Rey Rosales, LPT for junior high school.
The activity aimed to unlock the potential of the students in the field of art, consequentially drawing positive feedback as both the participants and their teachers appreciated the output. Enthusiasm and excitement were in fact apparent in the participants as they were given the chance to express their talents in an engaging way.
Aside from the beneficiaries, the value of the activity also lies in the opportunity given to PWC’s own students to further cultivate and most importantly share their talents. Prior to the activity, the student-facilitators underwent in-house workshops themselves and eventually applied their learnings through community extension. They were also encouraged to devise plans and suggestions to come up with activities relevant to their field.

“We want our students to be activated by applying their learnings as it is one of the best ways to measure how much they’ve learned,” said Mr. Naval, “and the most beautiful part is that the beneficiaries appreciate [what our students have to give].”
For the next academic year, PWC looks forward to working with Magtuod Elementary School in identifying talents to focus workshop efforts on them.
A renowned private school in Davao City that offers Basic Education, PWC immerses its young students in learning opportunities beyond the classroom. Not only do they develop academic competence but also social awareness and responsibility, which are key qualities to becoming productive individuals committed to inclusive societal progress. [Click here to learn more about the PWC Basic Education program.]