PWC hosts TechFactors’ Teacher Training Program

PWC welcomed teachers from different schools in Mindanao as they convened at the TFI Academy Teacher Training Program starting on May 21, 2019. The six-day event which will culminate on the 26th is an annual initiative of TechFactors, Inc. to better prepare their partner schools in developing the technological competencies of their students.
TechFactors, Inc. is an education company which functions to integrate Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in basic education. TFI organizes its teacher training programs in accordance with the ISTE Standards for Teachers to meet the competencies defined by the international education community for each academic level from preschool to college.
200 participants are expected to take part in the program, including instructors from PWC. The first batch sessions on May 21-23 focused on ICT while the second batch scheduled May 24-26 will focus more on robotics.
PWC recognizes the role of technology in shaping modern society and industries, and thus the educational landscape. The institution continues to support and take part in initiatives that enrich learning, among which is the recent integration of the robotics program in its basic education curriculum.