Kaagapay sa Pagbangon Program (KAsaPP)
By: Anita Jabla, TED Community Extension

In the pursuit of helping the government in its campaign against the use and distribution of illegal drugs, the Archdiocese of Davao in 2016 launched Sagop Kinabuhi Program (SKP) 2. This Program was a response to the group of drug users and pushers who surrendered and are now known as Voluntary Submission for Reformation Persons (VSRPs). SKP2 attempts to address the socio–economic needs of the VSRPs by enhancing their spirituality, morality, skills and educational capabilities and become productive individuals in the society.
The City Anti-Drug Abuse Council (CADAC) which is identified as the lead in the prevention and control of drug abuse in the city and suburbs also enjoined the HEIs in Davao City to participate , support and create Programs for VSRPs in their adopted Barangays. Since 2017, the different HEIs have created parallel programs to support the VSRPs as part of their Community Extension Service .
On November 22, 2019, PWC of Davao Office of the Community Extension (OCES) under its Kaagapay sa Pagbangon Program (KAsaPP) collaborated with Dr. Melba Manapol, Project Head of Center Against Illegal Drugs (CAID) of Ateneo De Davao University in helping the VSRPs of Brgy 74-A, the adopted Brgy of PWC of Davao. It was agreed that PWC of Davao will take charge of the aftercare of the VSRPs. The aftercare includes providing expanded livelihood programs to the nuclear family of the VSRP through TVET and the Business Education Programs of PWC of Davao.

In the collaboration meeting, it was also discussed that the NADA Protocol or ear acupuncture can be part of the after care service for the VSRPs because of the following benefits: it reduces craving for alcohol, nicotine and drugs; minimizes withdrawal symptoms; increases calmness, better sleep and less agitation; and relieves stress and emotional trauma. Moreover, NADA Protocol can be an additional intervention to students who are exhibiting emotional and behavioural problems.
With the advantages that can be provided by the NADA Protocol, the PWC of Davao coordinated for the conduct of the NADA Protocol Orientation on December 6, 2019 at the Juna Conference Room at Philippine Women’s College of Davao. The Community Extension Heads of Davao Association of Colleges and Universities Network (DACUN) member schools were invited. Through the secretariat of Davao Association of Catholic Schools (DACS), the invitation was also extended to DACS member schools.
Ms. Janet P. Paredes, the President of NADA Philippines shared that the Vision of its organization is “a society wherein organized communities can provide their members with affordable and accessible treatment for physical and mental health conditions through ear acupuncture detoxification used in conjunction with other treatment modalities.” In the video presented, she also showed the various communities they have trained and helped. At the end of the presentation, the NADA officers answered several questions from the participants.

As second part of NADA Protocol orientation, the participants were made to experience ear acupuncture. Ms. Paredes was assisted by Mr. Ace Lennon N. Babasa, NADA Philippines Treasurer. The participants who agreed to go through the procedure filled out the “informed consent form for treatment.”
The acupuncture needles were inserted at five specific points on each ear and participants were encouraged to quiet down for a few minutes. After 25 to 30 minutes, they were asked how they felt. Everyone said that they were all feeling sleepy. As expected that is a common effect because ear acupuncture gives a “relaxing feeling after.” The participants were also told that they could expect a sound sleep that night.
After the processing of the effects of the ear acupuncture to the participants, the awarding of certificates was done by Ms. Aida T. Fedee, VP for Finance. The photo opportunity of DACUN group and the other PWC participants followed after.