PWC community gathers for the Living Rosary prayer

In celebration of the month of the Holy Rosary, PWC staff and students came together as one community in praying the living rosary on October 18, 2018.
Led by program heads and student council officers, college students gathered at the Mansaka Grounds at 9:00 am while the faculty and students from the basic education department were at the RSM Events Center in simultaneous prayer. The venues were adorned with blue and white balloons, thematic of Mary’s signature colors. In the living rosary, students formed a circle where they took turns in leading as the rest respond. Held on a Thursday, the Joyful Mysteries were recited instead of the Luminous Mysteries since it was considerably a special celebration.
Roughly 2,000 individuals comprised of teaching and non-teaching personnel, the administration, students and parents attended the event under the initiative of the PWC Campus Ministry Office.
Apart from being its annual tradition, the event was also PWC’s contribution to the One Million Children Praying the Rosary Campaign, where 80 countries all over the world took part in a joint prayer for peace. The campaign was initiated by Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), an international pastoral non-profit organization.