THN members complete week 2 of online training series

The TapokCHI+ online learning series for the Tambayayong Hub Network progressed to week 2 last January 18-23, 2021 with the topic Understanding Human Design, Diversity and Dynamics for Culture-based Creative Enterprise for Social Impact Hubs (CCESI Hubs).
Ms. Mai Ongkiko, curator of the PWC KABILIN Museum and project curator for the THN CHI+ HOCBTP, facilitated the sessions that kickstarted the hub-building phase of the CHI+ Hub Organizing Capacity Building Training Program (HOCBTP) with an interesting focus on the individuality of the members and how they shape team dynamics through the lens of human design.
Human Design is a tool geared towards understanding one’s life, purpose, self, and interaction with others. “It helps us understand how we walk in this world, tapping on and depending on one’s gift found within oneself and guides us in using our energy as our source of power to appreciate, influence, and assist others as we move and evolve together as human beings,” Ms. Ongkiko shared, “understanding human design leads to the alignment of oneself and his role to the higher source, to the inner self and to others, which ultimately allows for working harmoniously in a work field.”
Participants from member schools Kapalong College for Agriculture Science and Technology (KCAST), Davao del Sur State College (DSSC), Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology (DOSCST), Kolehiyo ng Pantukan (KNP), Southern Philippines Agri-Business and Marine and Aquatic School of Technology (SPAMAST), and PWC of Davao responded positively during their respective sessions and expressed support to the network’s vision.
At the end of the project this May, the member HEIs are expected to have developed programs, projects, or products on indigenous textile weaving, arts and crafts, gastronomy, farming, or emerging locally-developed technology, systems, and processes as contribution to the Tambayayong Hub Network.
The network is a convergence of heritage-based creative enterprise for social impact hubs set up by the member HEIs in the Davao region, a project supported by PWC’s CHED Institutional Development and Innovation Grant (CHED IDIG), the British Council Creative Innovators Programme, and the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCAA).