BED takes part in waste management forum, school clean up

Grades 4 and 5 students actively participated in the Waste Management Forum and School Clean Up Day spearheaded by the Community Extension Services last February 12, 2019.
Mr. Orly B. Limpangog, Team Leader/Barangay Monitoring Assistant of the Davao City Environment and Natural Resources Office, led the forum on proper waste management where he discussed relevant city ordinances, corresponding penalties, and impacts of environmental negligence. The students were then given a chance to direct their questions to the speaker after the session.
It was followed by the students’ pledge of commitment facilitated by Ms. Ozelle Poe of the Campus Ministry Office.

The students then dispersed into their assigned groups for the school clean up, covering key areas in the campus such as the school cafeteria, cultural pavilion, elementary grounds, and the front lawn. They were instructed to maintain proper segregating practices as they went about the clean up activity.
READ: Grade school students attend DCWD Water Conservation Forum
The culmination was done through group sharing, reflection writing, and evaluation.
The event was done under the Greenow initiative, PWC’s environmental program crafted by the Office of the Community Extension Services. For the grade school level, students take part in activities that tackle waste management, marine biodiversity, reforestation, and water conservation. The forum and clean up were just a part of the efforts towards Greenow’s vision of establishing a culture of protecting and sustaining the environment.
PWC has been among renowned private schools in Davao City and will extend the reach of Philwomenian basic education with the opening of PWC Ciudades in 2019.
tags: private schools in davao city, pwc private schools in davao