CES conducts cultural exposure activity

Grade school teachers and BED middle administration staff brushed up on their knowledge of Davao’s 11 tribes during a cultural exposure tour at the Kadayawan Village in Magsaysay Park last August 29, 2019.
The tour initiated by the BED Office of the Community Extension Services was initially intended for the teachers and Grade 2 students, but went on without the students as classes were suspended on the scheduled date due to uncertain weather conditions. The group was welcomed by tour guide Pol Caliso who graciously shared his knowledge on the tribes’ housing structures, which were interestingly highly reflective of the respective cultures and way of life.
After the tour, the personnel then engaged in a reflection session where they shared their insights and expressed enthusiasm in extending their learnings to their students.
BED Community Extension Services coordinator Paolo Naval saw the need to educate students on the issue of cultural sensitivity, following a controversy involving the misuse of traditional clothing in a major event during the Kadayawan festivities. “To avoid conflicts in the future and establish a peaceful community, it is ideal to invest in the young ones,” Naval said, “and since our students couldn’t join us due to circumstances, it is just as important to educate their educators as well.”
The office also acknowledges PWC’s vital responsibility as an educational institution to contribute to the preservation of culture, and in effect adapt to change without compromising its brand of inclination towards Mindanaoan cultural heritage. Moreover, Naval believes that exposure to different tribes can be a vehicle for values formation. “Once culture and tradition is threatened, values diminish,” Naval said, “teaching our students to be accepting of differences means respecting the origins of everyone, consequently promoting Filipino values.”
The activity was also initiated in hopes to encourage teachers to study culture and look for practices that may be integrated in instruction. PWC aims to continue to conduct culture-based activities given the challenge to hone students who are advocates of cultural preservation and promotion, ultimately breeding a generation who would be agents of peace in Mindanao.
Philippine Women’s College offers academically competent and holistic grade school in Davao City, ensuring a child-friendly environment and facilities conducive for learning. [Click here to learn about the Basic Education Department.]
tags: grade school in davao, grade school in davao city