TED OCES joins psychosocial support initiative for quake victims
By: Anita Jabla, TED Community Extension
On December 11, 2019, the Archdiocesan Social Action Center (ASAC) and Davao Association of Catholic Schools (DACS) initiated a psychosocial processing for the earthquake survivors of Sto Niño Parish at Magsaysay, Davao Del Sur. This activity was conducted in collaboration with the Assumption College of Davao (ACD) who provided the ride for the group and the Office of the Community Extension Services (OCES) of Philippine Women’s College (PWC) of Davao who coordinated for the service of the Acudetox Specialists (ADSes) of NADA Philippines to do NADA Protocol or ear acupuncture for the earthquake survivors. The ear acupuncture relieves stress and emotional trauma, increases calmness and promotes better sleep.
The group left DACS office at 6:00 a.m. with the “to go” breakfast provided by Sr. Ma. Juliet D. Camacho, TDM (ASAC Finance). Since the travel was fast and smooth, the group arrived at Sto Niño Parish at 8:00 a.m. While the mass was going on in the improvised seminar hall, Sr. Ma. Juliet D. Camacho, TDM, Aldrin D. Dais (Community Extension Head of ACD), Anita T. Jabla (OCES Head of PWC of Davao) and Serlyn W. Basalo together with the other ADSes had a short meeting and discussed the flow of the activity.

The activity officially started with the opening prayer of Sr. Ma. Juliet D. Camacho, TDM. It was followed by an orientation by Aldrin D. Dais on how the half-day activity will proceed. He said that the first part would be the physical energizers and sharing of hopes and dreams. The second part would be the ear acupuncture for those who would like alleviation of stress and trauma.
In order to enliven the parishioners and at the same time to help them release their stress, the very energetic and animated Aldrin D. Dais led the participants to a series of energizers.

After the stress-relieving physical activities, Aldrin D. Dais moved the group to a more serious activity. The parishioners were made to reflect on their hopes “paglaum” and dreams “pangandoy” after their experience of series of earthquakes and the destruction of their properties. They were given writing materials for them to write or to draw their hopes and dreams. They were then divided into small groups to share what they wrote or drew with the guidance of a facilitator from ACD, PWC of Davao and NADA Philippines.

In the group sharing, the parishioners expressed their unanimous wish that there would be no more earthquakes. They were very thankful that God saved them and their families from the series of earthquakes. Those with damaged houses also wished for assistance. They expressed desire to go back to their houses so they could prepare for Christmas. Through the drawing of one of the mothers, she happily shared that it is her hope and dream that she and her entire family would be able to attend the mass on Christmas day. After the group sharing, two representatives were asked to share in the big group.

For the second part of the activity, Serlyn W. Basalo and Lilian R. Adlawan (ADSes) explained the NADA Protocol or ear acupuncture and how this can help them especially with the series of earthquakes that they have recently experienced.

Of the thirty eight (38) parishioners who attended the psychosocial processing, thirty (30) availed of the ear acupuncture after signing the Informed Consent Form for Treatment. The ear acupuncture was given by the following Acudetox Specialists (ADSes): Lilian R. Adlawan, Serlyn W. Basalo, Marilyn J. Cabañas, Rosalita G. Dagangon, Ana S. Gilbuena, Rosa T. Migue, Irene Z. Montojo, Maria Lorna M. Sienes and Shemaine Crystal M. Sienes. They were assisted by Fretzie Mac Lyka A. Gurang.
The acupuncture needles were inserted at five specific points on each ear and participants were encouraged to quiet down for a few minutes. After 25 to 30 minutes, the parishioners were gathered back and three of them shared on how they felt after the procedure. They said they felt sleepy and the ADSes explained that this means their bodies were relaxed.
After the closing remarks of Sr. Ma. Juliet D. Camacho, TDM, the parishioners together with the coordinators of the activity gathered in front for a photo opportunity.