TED students attend seminar on sexual harassment

Jul 30, 2019 | News, Tertiary Department | 0 comments

The Tertiary Education Department-Office of Student Affairs (OSA) organized a seminar on sexual harassment last July 29, 2019 at the RSM Events Center.

Resource speaker Pricilla Madula-Senoc, Health Education and Promotion Officer III of the Davao City Health Office, led the main discussion centered on the Republic Act 7877 or the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995. She specified acts of harassment, possible victims, setting, action and response, classification of sexual harassment, sanctions and penalties, and the duty of the employer/head of office. 

She also made strong emphasis on the “victim’s perspective” throughout the discussion, wherein the situation is viewed and assessed in the victim’s position.

RA 7877 is essentially an act declaring sexual harassment unlawful in the employment, education, or training environment, and for other purposes. For cases taking place outside the workplace or educational institution, Senoc cited filing complaints for acts of lasciviousness or sexual assault.

READ: Republic Act 7877

Society has clamored to address the issue of sexual harassment in all forms and media, and the topic is timely with the recent signing of the Safe Spaces Act (RA 11313), also known as the “Bawal Bastos” Law. It prohibits acts such as catcalling, misogynistic and homophobic slurs, non-consensual sexual advances, among others, in public places, workplaces, schools, and even in online spaces. 

PWC ensures and shall continue to provide a safe and conducive environment for learning, at the same time instilling responsible citizenship in its students by promoting civic awareness and engagement.



tags: college schools in Davao City, PWC college schools in davao city